Monday, 3 October 2016

Hot In The Shade ~ KISS (1989)

I have a lot of bands I'm very passionate about, and that can do no wrong in my eyes. KISS tops that list. I have fellow KISS fans who tell me that Hot In The Shade is the worst KISS album. I can't say I agree with them. Admittedly, there aren't as many 'stand-out, remember for decades' songs on this album compared to others, but there is at least one. Had this album been released in the late 70's, when KISS was still wearing makeup and blowing stuff up onstage, I can't say it would be better received, but at least it wouldn't be in the midst of other bands that seem nearly identical to them.
By the mid-80's, KISS was essentially a hair band. It hurts to admit, but it's true. I think the reason most people call this the worst KISS album is because all the other ones were better. There was no one reason that killed it, just that every other album was better.
But here, I'm going against the grain. I generally dislike the songs Gene Simmons sings as opposed to Paul Stanley's. Just as a generality. On this album, there are some songs sung by Gene that I would consider some of my favorite KISS songs. That is a very redeeming quality. I think that out of the astounding 15 songs on this album, I would only skip 2 of them.
But Forever, though. I think a song digs itself a special place in someone's heart if it makes them cry the first time they hear it. And the second and third times. Which it did. It's just such a beautiful song.
Forever is my favorite song on this album, but Silver Spoon comes in at a slightly more distant second. The two of them coming one after the other is probably my favorite part of the album, and a great way to end the first side.
This is a fantastic album, but it isn't a fantastic KISS album. There's a difference. Like, if this was a Poison album, it'd probably be one of their best. But it's a KISS album, and there was just too much legacy to live up to.
Image result for hot in the shadeImage result for kiss 1989

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